1 in 5 people are diagnosed with this condition. Someone you know could be suffering in silence. Or non-silence because they are screaming at the gelatinous dessert. It’s a concern that can have a serious impact on the safety and well being of lives all around the world. Or not. Because it’s Jell-O. Regardless, here’s another article and this one is called Fear of Jell-O.
Maybe it’s the way it wobbles. The menacing quiver of a dessert gone rogue. Or maybe it’s the flimsy structure that leaves sugar connoisseurs weak at the knees. The ingredients don’t exactly scream “murder”, but yet it’s still a leading cause of spontaneous dessert-related death in North America.
It’s usually served as part of the final chapter in an otherwise relaxing meal. Sitting on a silver platter, it stares up at you. Gently swaying back and forth, drawing its prey closer and closer with its alluring shape or lack thereof. The malicious intent of the dessert is clear. And that’s where the lifelong terror starts and the Fear of Jell-O really kicks in. Ranging from a vibrant green to an alarming shade of purple, Jell-O is able to camouflage with its surrounding no matter where it travels. Assuming your kitchen is one of those colours. In most cases, even if agitated, the Jell-O will continue to sit on your plate.
If you or someone you know is continuously plagued by this dreadful condition and is afflicted by a Fear of Jell-O, there are precautions that can be taken to avoid further harm. For one, refrain from making Jell-O for dessert or as a nice, light snack. That should solve about 99% of all cases. If properly treated, your completely rational Fear should be gone within 3 weeks.