Fear of Not Getting Your School Schedule

Fear of Not Getting the Specific School Schedule You Want is a problem that can strike at any time. However, it is usually around the start of each school semester. Scientists have yet to figure out any reasoning for the correlation, though. God speed.

Registering for Fear of Not Getting the Specific School Schedule You Want

Choosing your schedule for school can be tough. It can be stressful. You spend weeks meticulously planning out exactly what classes you are going to take and when. You have interviewed friends and family in an attempt to somehow incorporate them in your decision making. You’ve drawn up negotiations and proposals to teachers, classmates and local senators. You have many diagrams and charts that you can only assume provide some sort of benefit to you. Then, before you can even think about factoring in your work schedule, it’s Judgement Day. No, not the whole Rapture/Apocalyptic thing the Kinks predicted would happen (actually it might have been the Mayans. I always get those two confused), it’s the day you have to pick your classes.

You’re not ready. After all of those countless hours you spent crafting the perfect school schedule, you completely ignored when the registration was. Your diabolical plan will be put to the test. You stare at the computer screen (or phone because who uses computers anymore?). Your hand delicately moving the mouse like a surgeon making his first incision on his patient. Sweat trickles down your forehead as you slowly exhale. That’s when you see it: Every class is full.

Well now what? Everyone else got the schedules they wanted. Even that guy who you swear dropped out 3 months ago. How is it that you are the only one who somehow managed to not get a single class you wanted? Sure, you can blame it on society or on the fact that your mom dropped you as a child, but is that going to help you get the classes you so desperately desired? Odds are, it won’t. Looks like it’s time for drastic measures.

Dropping Out of Fear of Not Getting the Specific School Schedule You Want

There are 3 approaches to getting what you want in this situation. All of which I am currently making up on the spot. I would not advise following any of these.

1. Keep checking the availability of the classes you want. Someone is bound to either fall off the face of the Earth or at least drop a class between now and the start of the semester. When they do, that’s your chance to pounce like a jungle cat. It’s a very small window of opportunity, so you should probably just wait by your computer for the next 2-13 weeks. Might I suggest investing in some hot pockets or sponge toffee?

2. Plead with anyone and everyone you know to switch classes with you. No one wants to be THAT person, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, maybe you will get lucky and someone will realize that your unfavourable schedule is actually much better than theirs. We call these types of people “D Students”. If not, maybe someone will take pity over you and offer to make a switch. Fake tears go a long way.

3. Sleep your way to the top. I would only recommend using this in the event that the first two unconventional methods fail. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend it at all. Forget I said anything.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, picking your schedule for school can be a hectic and stressful situation. Just try and remember that it’s something everyone has to go through in their lives. Except for those people who pump your gas or display their talents with acoustic guitars on the sidewalk. Failure to pick a decent schedule could land you a similar fate, though.

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