Fear of Internet Self-Diagnosis

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You know what’s great about the Internet? Besides cat memes, Things I Fear, and the fact it has the answer to every question you didn’t even know you had, of course. The Internet has this uncanny ability to diagnose both simple and even the most complex medical conditions with just a few clicks. What you […]

Fear of Stairs

Spiral Staircase; Fear of Stairs; Things I Fear

Whether it’s walking up or down them, stairs are responsible for more swearing, grunting, and passive aggressive muttering than all of the sports games you’ve placed wagers on, all of those horrible bosses that you’ve encountered, and all of the oddly specific blog posts you’ve read combined. Having a Fear of Stairs largely stems from […]

Fear of Disclaimers

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Fear of Disclaimers can come in many forms. This Fear can often appear suddenly and when you least suspect it. You might be hearing or reading about why adopting a dog can be a great idea. Dogs have fur, they are cute, they clean up after themselves and can learn cool tricks to impress your […]

Fear of Accidentally Seeing Your Reflection

Fear of Accidentally Seeing Your Reflection Things I Fear

Fear of Accidentally Seeing Your Reflection is more common than you might think. However, this post was originally going to be about Fear of Mirrors. Many a horror movie has a scene where a protagonist notices something horrific in the mirror. Whether it be an axe-wielding murderer behind them, a bad hair day, or some […]

Fear of a Parallel Universe

Things I Fear, Fear of a Parallel Universe

Fear of a Parallel Universe. Things I Fear knows this one is going to be difficult to write about. Of course, in another world, this is a very easy topic to write about. But in another, other world, this topic doesn’t even exist at all. Parallel Universes essentially refer to life happening at the same […]

Fear of Space

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The topic Fear of Space can be confusing so let’s simplify it. Space can be defined in two ways. In one instance, it refers to having available room to complete various activities or store items you purchased on a whim but have no practical use for. In the other definition, space refers to the undiscovered […]

Fear of Sports Betting

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Now that sports betting is legal and more accessible than ever before, it seems like a great time to address the elephant in the room. In this case, the elephant is not an elephant at all and is instead Fear of Sports Betting. This is different than in-person betting for a variety of reasons. You […]

Fear of Baking

person in kitchen with food on fire; Fear of Baking

I know what you’re thinking. Fear of Baking? Isn’t that just Fear of Cooking with a slightly different name? Yes! But also, no. Chefs of any skill level will tell you there is a distinct difference in cooking vs baking. Things can ignite in flames in different ways. Events requiring absurd numbers of pastries can […]

Fear of Awkward Silences

Fear of Awkward Silences; trees in a forest with sunlight coming through

Very apt and timely post, I know. Let’s not dwell on how many months it has been since the last post. Why bother focusing on things like empty promises and vague updates? Here is a new post, alive and well. If anything, let’s just chalk up the delay to building up the suspense and anticipation. […]

Fear of a Full Moon

Full Moon in the Clouds; Things I Fear

Since the dawn of time, there have been two facts the world has collectively agreed on. The sun either rises in the East or the West (can never remember that one so I don’t want to look like an idiot by guessing. This is a much better solution) and at night there is a moon. […]