Has this ever happened to you? You’re walking back to your vehicle after your most recent cat-fishing misadventure, you sit in the driver’s seat and put your key into the ignition, turn the key, and nothing happens. Perhaps the car makes a feeble attempt to start by flicking the lights. Maybe the car sounds like a flattened duck trying to sing. Or another relatable sound. In either case, the expected result of the car starting and you being able to leave does not happen. You’re stuck. Stranded. You may die here. If this hasn’t happened to you, I bet you have a Fear of Your Car Not Starting now!

Fear of Your Car Not Starting is Backfiring

Cars are so expensive. The last thing anyone wants to have happen is knowing a costly repair is right around the corner. Car batteries range from $3 to $500. Depending on whether you know anything about car batteries. I assume most are of the double-A variety. There may not be anything more embarrassing than your car battery dying. Some people worry about delivering a speech in front of thousands of judgemental eyes. Some people worry about what strangers may think of them in online forums. But the amount of ridicule instantly bestowed upon you for having a car battery that won’t do its literal only job is on another level. Drive much?

In order to restart a car battery that has decided to stop working, you need to have an in-depth understanding of how electricity works. Since I have no idea how electricity works, that’s about all I can say on the matter. Basically, you take some cables and stick them on your car and then attach them to someone else’s car. This results in the battery working again. Or not working. It’s basically a 50/50 shot. Then you have to bring your car to a mechanic who tells you your car never stood a chance and you should have just bought a scooter instead.

Pumping the Brakes on Fear of Your Car Not Starting

Considering the fact there are more cars than people in the world (fact-check not necessary), it’s inevitable you’ll either witness a car not starting or have your own vehicle give up on you. If you see a stranger in the parking lot open the hood of their car and yell obscenities to the sky, you can try to be a decent human and ask if their car needs a jump. Assuming their battery is in fact dead and they aren’t just a crazy person, they will appreciate your help. If you are the one experiencing a dead battery, especially if you have a Fear of Your Car Not Starting, there are several ways to get help. Consider: the Internet. A source of more knowledge than can be found in any classroom, the Internet is a great way to learn new things and see unrelated ads for products you didn’t know you were interested in.

If you are someone who has a Fear of Your Car Not Starting, this post probably resonated with you more than most. Perhaps you have had your own experience with this Fear? Or perhaps you have had a completely different experience with a completely different Fear? In either case, let me know! You can comment here, connect with us on Facebook, or you can even send a lengthy email along with a blank cheque. I am not picky.