You step up to the podium as a wave of silence sets in over the crowd. You take a deep breath, looking down at your notes one last time. Dozens of eyes staring at you, quietly hoping you make a mistake. Fear of Public Speaking is one of the most common Fears out there. You can try all the tricks like breathing exercises and meditation but nothing helps. Sure, it helps a little bit to slow your heart rate down to a crawl, but that’s mostly the result of you fainting. You can try to picture the audience in their underwear until you notice someone actually is in their underwear but then all your focus is on how they got passed security.
Let’s Talk About Your Fear of Public Speaking
Everyone says that practice makes perfect. Try telling that to someone who faints every time they get up to the front of the room. Perfect for while falling though. Way to stick the landing. No one likes public speaking. That’s why the internet and cell phones were invented so no one has to look someone in the eye to communicate. At some point though, you’re going to have to give a dramatic speech to a large group of eagerly awaiting strangers. It’s inevitable.
Whether it’s to a classroom of people who just want you to stop talking, to a country of citizens who will be voting you out of office as soon as you finish talking, or simply on a bus full of screaming civilians that’s currently out of control because the bus blew a tire as it rounded the corner on top of a mountain that overlooks a 10,000 drop and you’ve chosen this moment to deliver a rousing declaration about cutting down rain forests, speeches can happen anywhere.
Put Fear of Public Speaking on the Podium
Fear of Public Speaking is something that everyone goes through. No matter what stage of your life you are in, there will always be reasons to need to talk to a crowd. So, if you are worried about being judged, just remember that sooner or later even the judges will become the judged and then it will be your turn to snicker at them for delivering the presentation in their underwear because they misunderstood the trick. Circle of life.
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