I know what you’re thinking. Fear of Baking? Isn’t that just Fear of Cooking with a slightly different name? Yes! But also, no. Chefs of any skill level will tell you there is a distinct difference in cooking vs baking. Things can ignite in flames in different ways. Events requiring absurd numbers of pastries can appear at any time. Sugar-free alternatives to your favourite baked good exist. Therefore, a whole new set of reasons to have a Fear of Baking. Let’s dive right into it!

Pre-Heating to Fear of Baking

Baking usually occurs whilst in the kitchen where things like fire, knives, and various allergies live. On its own, this would normally be scary enough. However, baking usually involves a combination of one or all of these things to be successful. Consider the humble cookie: a cookie is made from raw ingredients such as flour, chocolate chips, and an egg. Throw in a pinch of sugar, and you’ve got yourself a balanced meal. However, most cookies do not originate from tubes. They are instead forged by hand. This rigorous process involves carefully balancing ingredients, applying precise heat, and someone to oversee the process from start to finish (read: waiting to lick the spoon). One cookie is chaos. The same can be said for cakes but we leave those impossible tasks to the experts. You should definitely click that link. I did. I have a custom cake to prove it!

Often in the world of baking, you are less concerned with creating a single puff pastry for yourself. Rather, you are often baking dozens of precisely crafted cupcakes for guests at a large venue hall so they can completely ignore the fruits of your labour and instead scarf one down then discard the compostable cup holder, and then continue around the convention with a dollop of blue frosting on their chin. You spend 57 hours baking, icing, and eloquently placing your desserts around a table only to watch them disappear faster than you can say “but they’re vegan!”.

Cooling Down on Fear of Baking

If there is one good thing about baking, it’s that you get to eat delicious things once they are done. That’s really what separates baking from other hobbies like wood-working. Or other career choices like wood-working. Yes, that’s right. You can make a career from baking loaves of bread. A livelihood from stacking lady fingers. A retirement plan from drizzling fondue. The only thing you need to remember when it comes to baking is never even look at a soufflé. It will let you know when it’s done. If you even peek at it, you will destroy it. Baking is also wildly regarded as quality Netflix programming as evident by the vast number of celebrities from yesterday becoming judges clearly outside their fields of expertise. Baking truly has something for everyone. Plus anything you bake at home is calorie-free! There’s a little life hack for you.

Also why does the term “baker’s dozen” even exist? Just say 13. You’re not fooling anyone.

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