Ever feel like the entire world is just watching you, waiting, almost hoping, for you to mess up? Like you are the one person who can make or break a situation. The single most important factor in whether something goes well or horribly wrong. It can feel like that if you have a Fear of Event Planning because the entire success of the party, wedding or pick-up frolf game hinges on your ability to coordinate and communicate. The bride would be understandably upset if you forgot to invite her husband.

Plan On Not Having a Plan

Event planning is a fine art that requires walking the delicate line between organization and insanity. Somewhere in between is the ability to ensure the guests show up at the right place, at the right time for the right reason. The fragility of the situation is amplified when you’ve been tasked with planning an event for someone else because expectations are heightened. If you miserably fail at planning your own event, no one will notice because no one received the invite. If you fail at planning someone else’s, you’re suddenly on the hook for a lifetime of breathy sighs and condescending head shakes. Fear of Event Planning is tough on everyone.

When you plan an event, big or small, there a number of things you need to consider ranging from food allergies to who to purposely omit from the invite list to where people can put their umbrellas if there is no rain like you said there would be. Most of event planning is about predicting the weather and being completely wrong. Unlike popular belief that it’s because of the wedding photographer, that’s the reason why most marriages fall apart in the first 3 months.

Finding The Time To Get Over Your Fear of Event Planning

While being responsible for coordinating an entire party can be stressful, it’s important to remember that having a Fear of Event Planning is completely rational. It’s like having a Fear of Public Speaking but instead of people judging your words, they measure your ability to plan fun. Words can be forgotten or misspelled. Fun is forever.