This is one of those “I don’t know where this is going but I don’t like it” movies. It’s really eerie and unsettling from within the first 10 minutes. The entire movie, you know something is going to happen at some point but you don’t know what it’s going to be. Usually, these Netflix-exclusive movies are a disaster inside of a garbage fire inside of the bargain bin at the ghost of a former Blockbuster. Just like some of the suggestions you give me on Facebook, this one was better than that! Now that the introductory paragraph is out of the way, let’s dive into this Run Movie Review courtesy of your friends at Things I Fear. Hi.
A woman learns something has not gone very well in the birth of her child. Fast forward a handful of years and a larger child is struggling to get out of bed. She is doing this to start what seems to be an agonizing routine. She cannot walk, she has skin irritations, nausea, and a meal plan that doesn’t exactly scream options for even the most experienced of culinary wizards. Essentially this girl is trapped in her household due to her litany of medical conditions. It’s quite unfortunate but her mom is clearly invested in her well-being and does what she can to help. All is well in the world! False.
While the daughter is eagerly awaiting news on which University she has been accepted into, her mother is the gatekeeper of all things mail-related. The daughter is looking forward to the days continuing her education via homeschool minus the home part. This is around the time some unsettling things start to occur. An incident involving the mailman getting there a little too early occurs along with a lack of internet connection that not even the cloud could save. Later, a phone call with a stranger goes awry. More on that last part soon. The daughter is not quite suspicious but is getting the sense something odd is happening. This is around the time something medical-related happens. She is more concerned about getting ill than accepting the fact she is not well. I don’t want to spoil anything here since it’s a pretty pivotal moment but let’s just say not all scavenger hunts end the same way.
Once the daughter is pretty sure her suspicions are confirmed, things really escalate fast. It’s that classic angsty teenager rebelling against her mom but turned up to eleven. Before a dramatic confrontation occurs, there are chances of explanation and reconciliation but the damage is done. The mailman is really the catalyst of this whole movie in many ways. He has impeccable timing. This ultimately may or may not lead to his demise. The hospital scene is a sufficiently dramatic conclusion to the horror of this movie. But it’s not quite over! The movie ends with a little bit of sweet revenge and a reminder that we all end up like our parents in one way or another.
Run: Final Thoughts
As far as this Run Movie Review goes, I think I did a sufficient enough job of not explaining anything. It’s one of those movies where if the wrong thing is said, the entire movie is ruined. Like if I said she was taking dog medicine that was actually making her more sick than she was, you would be really upset. But no one reads these Reviews until the end, right? At least I didn’t mention what really happened the day her child was born.