Ahh Horror Movie Reviews. Where would we be without these, right? Sitting around reading about the latest Fears all the time only brings so much excitement. Watching terrible (okay, sometimes good) Horror Movies is where it’s really at. Movies like whatever this one was called is the real reason I got into writing. Let’s check out this The Houses October Built Movie Review before I get too excited and have to write about something else to contain myself.

The basic premise of the movie is a group of friends go on a quest to find a scary haunted house. They do this for our entertainment. We thank them for their efforts. They pile into an RV and just drive. They spend hours and/or days driving around the southern States on a quest for slightly above mediocrity while asking the locals & haunt owners for their unbiased opinions. The group of friends consists of 4 men and a token woman. It’s nice to see trailblazers like this break their way into the B-horror movie scene. At least the entire group provides equal acting abilities to really enhance this cinematic mastery. Oh and one of the guys really flexes his ability to pee in the forest. Is it found footage? Is it all fake? You’ll never know. Or ever care.

After the first haunted house proves to be a dud, the genderly-unbalanced group upsets the carnival folk with their unruly megaphone antics. They stand up on a building and shout “Happy Halloween!” to a group of strangers like the savages they are. Naturally, this results in the haunted house staff following them on their next adventures. Backstory backstory backstory, character development, filler conversations, and we’re on our way to the next house! A few “haunted houses” later and the team is thoroughly upset with the lack of southern hospitality. Mysterious gifts given from their growing clan of loyal stalkers reveals these folks may have bitten off more than they can chew. Just don’t tell that to the main guy who orchestrated this whole thing. He’s DTF. As in Down To Find a Haunted House. I’m not familiar with the acronym.

The Houses October Built: Final Thoughts

I guess one guy gets kidnapped. That might have happened. No one woke me up for that scene but I suspect that’s what took place. Naturally, the response to your friend being kidnapped is to go to another haunted house. That’s what you would do too, right? Well it’s what they did. Fortunately for this group, their phones were on standby so they could learn of their impending horror via a constant stream of text messages. Eventually, the entire clan gets kidnapped and taken away in a school bus before meeting their demise inside of a haunted house. I think that’s what was going on there for the last 20 minutes or so. I started focusing on literally anything else but the movie around this time. Did you know they made sequels? Don’t watch those.

Anyway, so I guess this concludes The Houses October Built Movie Review. As per usual, let me know what you thought of the movie or of this review. Send me a message or let the world know your opinions on Facebook. Or please submit your own Reviews so I don’t have to keep watching these movies.