Fear of Getting Sick

No one likes being sick therefore everyone has a Fear of Getting Sick. Those who tell you they don’t worry because they never get sick are either lying or are seriously ill. Being sick is one of the worst things that can happen and it can strike at any time. But it’s usually when someone sneezes in your face and quietly whispers an apology while you wonder what went so horribly wrong.

Fear of Getting Sick Symptoms

Being sick can range from a cold consisting of a cough, slight fever and a runny nose to a sudden and unexplained violent death. Anywhere even close to the latter is bad. It doesn’t take much to get sick, either. As explained with the colourful facial sneezing story. People used to think you can get sick simply by going outside while it’s raining which is why people choose to stay indoors instead. However, this is false. It is propaganda developed by the raincoat industry strictly to drive sales. You can ask people about it but be prepared for them to avoid eye contact and quickly cross the street to walk on the other sidewalk. Definitely a conspiracy.

Unless you are entitled to sick days, being ill also means you are missing days of work. Which is great because it means your boss won’t yell at you for trying to be a hero by coming into the office until you see your paycheck and wonder why you are now living on the street. This also applies to students but in this metaphor the paycheck is your grades and the street is also the street. So that’s another bad thing about being sick, in case you were keeping score at home.

How to Cure Your Fear of Getting Sick

The good news is with so many ways to get sick there are also so many remedies to get better. Though many of these involve lying in bed, keeping hydrated, slowly eating a bowl of alphabet soup and some sort of mixed tea beverage someone swore helped to regrow a limb one time. Home remedies can also include injecting yourself with drugs and life-saving surgery by licensed professionals. I would recommend the limb tea before performing surgery on yourself, though. If all else fails, you can also consider not getting sick in the first place.

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