Halfway through the year 2023, it is as good of a time as any to reflect on what Things I Fear posts are the most viewed to this point. Below is a quick summary of each post, a convenient link to the post itself, and more ways for you to ensure you’re up to date with the latest Things I Fear content to discuss at your next family gathering. As always, if you like the content, there are some really easy things you can do that truly make a huge difference to me. You can share Things I Fear on Social Media with your friends & family. You can subscribe to receive email alert notifications for new posts and then I can spam you with other things too. You can even purchase online books to provide further support to keep the lights on in my house. Check out the Things I Fear Shop for more. Thank you for your support!

10. Fear of Making Someone Wait

You know when you’re ready to go somewhere and then you realize you’re not wearing pants? Or you haven’t showered in 6 days? Or your car doesn’t start and then you start to think you might not be as prepared for this cross-country road trip as you thought? Those are reasons why you might be preventing someone from getting to their destination on time. There is a lot of anxiety involved in that! So much so that 1 post can barely even contain it. But I tried. Go check it out. I’ll wait here.

9. Fear of Property

Do you ever just look at stuff around your house, apartment, or shed in the backwoods and wonder “why”? In this context, the “why” refers to why you have this thing or the items in it that you have to maintain. Things that are your responsibility to keep alive, keep functional, and keep having to make payments towards. Things that can go horribly wrong but become your fault and obligation to resolve or otherwise keep you awake at night. Property is an investment, but you know what they say: you cannot spell “property” without “why did I buy that property?”

8. Fear of Siren Head

Known for its zany actions including suspicious deaths, Siren Head remains a conversation of local folklore no matter where you live. Siren Head may or may not exist in real life but it certainly exists online. As we know, everything online is absolutely true, validating, and a generally positive place. Especially the comment sections. And, just as science probably exists, Siren Head might exist too. This post is actually one of the most viewed all-time, not just in 2023. Don’t just sit there, go read it!

7. Fear of Becoming Your Parents

This one is similar but definitely different than meeting the parents of your partner for the first time. That one can be worse but is also better because it’s really just a single encounter. Realizing you’re slowly morphing into every detail of your parents that you lashed out at, were embarrassed by, or swore you would never become when you were a kid is for a lifetime. Have you taken a look in a mirror recently? What do you see? No, not at the demon behind you. But didn’t your dad start losing his hair around this age too? Hmm…

6. Fear of Stairs

Stairs? Really? Apparently, the only thing scarier than facing Siren Head is the thought of needing to escape its clutches by stepping down a flight of stairs. To be fair, there is a reason why most buildings opt to install elevators rather than forcing everyone to climb up and down a seemingly endless, spiralling staircase in apartment buildings. That reason is because elevators, like all other machines, will one day take over the world so might as well get used to them now.

5. Fear of Internet Self Diagnosis

No one knows more about you than strangers online creating content to encourage views of their website. This is especially true when it comes to medical diagnosis. Diagnosees? Does anyone know the plural version of that word? I don’t have time to fact-check things like spelling when there is someone out there who wants to know just how much leprosy they contracted from getting a paper cut. Remember: there’s a Wiki for everything out there. Now go and find the cure to what ails you.

4. Fear of Becoming Famous

This is actually one of my favourite posts and it’s over 10 years old! If Things I Fear was a child, it would almost be old enough to drive. Though it would still be a better driver than some of the people out there these days. Am I right? Still, it’s nice to see a resurgence of older posts still making their rounds online. In fact, with this post remaining one of the most popular all-time viewed posts including in 2023, it might actually be borderline famous at this point. Better watch out, Gangnam Style!

3. 5 Signs You Might Be a Leprechaun

Arguably the worst piece of content on this otherwise masterpiece of a website – or perhaps this one is – this post really doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Yet, I suppose 2023 is the year of the Leprechaun so this one does make sense for why it’s the 3rd most popular post so far this year. You might as well read it and confirm your suspicions from yet another internet diagnosis. Didn’t we just talk about that?

2. Top 10 Worst Animals To Get Eaten By

If you are going on a trip somewhere, you might bring your suitcase, wallet, your phone, and maybe even some money. While most people also remember to include a printed version of this Things I Fear post, it’s unfortunately still something others leave behind. Travelling can be so difficult sometimes. This post is imperative to help inform people of what animals to avoid during their trip or even just in everyday life. Dorthy had it right the whole time. Oh my!

1. Fear of 3:15

In a world where everyone Fears something, nothing is more common than the Fear of three digits on an alarm clock. Or the alignment of the big hand & little hand if you’re into that sort of thing. Yes, 3:15 am remains one of the most searched things online, one of the top posts I get emails about, and one of the scariest time-based events in the world. What is it? What could it all mean? Join the hundreds of people who barely learned anything new about it by reading the number 1 Things I Fear post in 2023. Thus far.

So there you have it! Have you read all of these posts before? Are any of them new to you? If you haven’t read every single post by now you must have a day job. Good for you! Have you ever wanted to write your own content to be featured on Things I Fear like these people have? Well, you certainly can! Email me today and let’s find a way to make you internet famous.